About the Society

ESTABLISHED IN 1810, the main aim of the Swedenborg Society is to translate and publish the works of the Swedish scientist, philosopher and visionary, Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). The Society was incorporated in 1925 and has since become a registered educational charity. We are based in a four-storey Grade II-listed building in the heart of Bloomsbury, central London, just a short walk from the British Museum. The building holds a well-stocked and comfortable bookshop, which sells the complete works of Swedenborg and other related subjects. The bookshop is open from Monday to Friday between 9.30am – 5.00pm.
Our publications include the English and Latin editions of Swedenborg’s works, major reference works related to Swedenborg and editions in foreign languages, including most European and some Asiatic and African languages. We also publish a range of literature charting the diverse cultural and intellectual legacy of Swedenborg.
Our premises in Bloomsbury houses a unique reference library. Visitors are welcome to use the library with advance notification. In addition, a 100-seat neoclassical hall and two smaller public meeting rooms hold regular Society events and are also available for private hire. The Society has a worldwide membership and copies of The Swedenborg Review are sent to members and friends twice a year as well as a regular electronic newsletter containing information regarding new publications and events.
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Further information relating to the Swedenborg Society including: details of its directors, trustees, staff and history; can be viewed via the menu bar to the left. Should you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact us directly.