This Neo-Latin lexicon (or dictionary) was edited by the late John Chadwick, the classical scholar who was and still is renowned throughout the world for his work in the decipherment of the ancient Minoan script Linear B. But he should also be remembered as the lexicographer who served for a number of years as an editor of the Oxford Latin Dictionary. Although this lexicon covers the works of a single author it is thought to be the first dictionary, as distinct from a word-list, of Neo-Latin words and their usages. The hope is that it will become an aid not only to Swedenborgian scholars and to Neo-Latinists, but also to theologians, philosophers, historians, and others who handle the texts and documents of those in recent centuries who wrote in Latin.
The current edition is co-edited by Jonathan S Rose, renowned translator of Swedenborg and Editor of the New Century edition of Swedenborg’s works published by the Swedenborg Foundation.
Author Bios
JOHN CHADWICK was educated at St Paul’s School and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. During the Second World War he was stationed at the now famous Bletchley Park. In 1950 he published The Medical Works of Hippocrates, co-authored with his cousin, William Neville Mann, a distinguished physician and he also worked on the Oxford Latin Dictionary before beginning a Classics lectureship at Cambridge in 1952. That year he began working with Michael Ventris on the progressive decipherment of Linear B, the two writing Documents in Mycenean Greek in 1956. In 1958 he published The Decipherment of Linear B and later became a Fellow of the British Academy and of Downing College, Cambridge. He was also the fourth (and last) Perceval Maitland Laurence Reader in Classics at Cambridge. He was a member of the Swedenborg Society Advisory and Revisions board for over 50 years. The titles he translated during that time include; The True Christian Religion (in 2 volumes); The Last Judgment; The Worlds in Space; Conjugial Love; and he also edited and compiled A Lexicon to the Latin Text of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.
JONATHAN S ROSE is a prodigious translator of Swedenborg and the series editor of the New Century edition of Swedenborg’s works. Holder of a BA and a MDiv in religion and a MA and a Ph.D. in Latin, he has worked for years in the study of Neo-Latin and in Swedenborgian research.
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