DATE: 26th October 2015
TIME: 6:30-9:00 pm
VENUE: Swedenborg Hall, Swedenborg House, 20/21 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2TH
SPEAKER/S: Chloe Aridjis | Homero Aridjis | Eva Hoffman | Darian Leader | Tom McCarthy | Selina Mills
Chloe Aridjis | Homero Aridjis | Eva Hoffman | Darian Leader | Tom McCarthy | Selina Mills
In 1743, when travelling from Stockholm to London, the philosopher and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg carried with him a small pocket diary in which he wrote and analysed his dreams. This small book has since become one of the most original and influential books of dream interpretation.
In this unique unmissable event at Swedenborg House, six distinguished authors have been asked to describe the role of dreams and dreaming in their own practice. Each author will speak for around 15 to 20 minutes, followed by a panel discussion. Refreshmnets will also be available.
Only 100 seats available. Please book in advance to avoid disappointment.
TICKETS ONLY £5 (See booking links here or at the bottom of this page). for further informatiopn call 02074057986 or contact
Tickets £5 + booking fee. Available through eventbrite.
speaker bios
HOMERO ARIDJIS has written over 40 titles including novels, poetry, plays, memoir and books for children. Widely considered Latin America’s greatest living poet, Homero has also served as a diplomat and is a leading environmental activist. Homero is currently the President of the Swedenborg Society.
EVA HOFFMAN is a Polish American writer and academic who has been described by the Independent as ‘One of our most lucid thinkers’. The author of several books, including novels, autobiographical works and cultural studies, Eva currently teaches Creative Writing at Kingston University.
DARIAN LEADER is one of Britain’s foremost psychoanalysts and an author who has popularized Lacanian ideas across works that have dealt with relationships and the sexes, madness, pharmaceuticals, and the roles of art and artists.
TOM MCCARTHY is a novelist, critic and artist who has twice been shortlisted for the Booker Prize, for C (2010) and his most recent work Satin Island (2015). Tom co-founded the semi-fictitious avant-garde network the International Necronautical Society (INS) in 1999 and continues to serve as its General Secretary.
SELINA MILLS is an award winning author, journalist and broadcaster. She was formerly a Producer for BBC Radio 4’s Today and World at One programmes, and she has written for The Observer, The Times, The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph and The Spectator. Her groundbreaking book Life Unseen: The Story of Blindness will be published by I B Tauris.