LAUNCH: On The Conjugial Angel by A S Byatt (with Julia Armfield)

EVENT: LAUNCH: On The Conjugial Angel by A S Byatt (with Julia Armfield)
DATE: 15th July 2020
TIME: 7.00-8.00pm
FEATURING: Julia Armfield
‘I do believe poems are the ghosts of dead poets.’
We are delighted to invite you to the online launch of our latest publication, On The Conjugial Angel, by Booker Prize-winning author A S Byatt. The launch will be introduced by the Swedenborg Society’s Avery Curran and will include a reading from On The Conjugial Angel by the acclaimed author Julia Armfield. Series editor Stephen McNeilly will also speak briefly on the Swedenborg Archive Series. Come and join us, bring a glass of wine (or your preferred beverage) and enjoy. Attendees will receive an exclusive 30% discount code on this and other titles. Book tickets at the link above to be sent a Zoom link and password prior to the event.
From the Booker Prize-winning author of Possession: A Romance (1990), On The Conjugial Angel is the latest book in the Swedenborg Society’s Archive Series. A S Byatt, alongside a series of readings from her novella ‘The Conjugial Angel’, explores Swedenborg’s influence on literature, the lives of the Tennysons and the conflict between religion and science. Also including an intimate insight into Dame Byatt’s writing process and lifelong interest in literature, On The Conjugial Angel is drawn from the transcript of a talk and Q&A given at Swedenborg House in 2010 for the bicentenary of the Society.