Marginalia in Oeconomia Regni Animalis | S T Coleridge | lunchtime talk

EVENT: Marginalia in Oeconomia Regni Animalis | S T Coleridge | lunchtime talk
DATE: 6th October 2021 - 6th October 2021
TIME: 1pm - 2pm
VENUE: Swedenborg House
SPEAKER/S: Alex Murray
Each Wednesday at 1.00 pm there will be a brief talk and chance for discussion about one of the 27 objects selected for the new exhibition, The Story of Swedenborg in 27 Objects, with the talks being given by the curator Stephen McNeilly, Swedenborg House archivist Alex Murray and editor and former librarian James Wilson.
Please RSVP by emailing specifying which date you would like to attend.
The fourteenth talk in the series sees Alex Murray speak about Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) and his marginalia in a copy of Swedenborg’s Oeconomia Regni Animalis.