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Heaven, Hell and Other Places

Written and presented by the novelist Philip Makatrewicz, directed by the award winning filmmakers Jacob Cartwright and Nick Jordan, and produced by the Society’s Stephen McNeilly,  this documentary explores the central themes of Swedenborg’s life and work, charting his journey from scientific genius to mystical savant – messiah to some, madman to others. Examining the influence his vast and varied writings have had in the spheres of science, literature, mysticism and religion, the documentary aims to serve as an invaluable introduction to the enigma regarded by Borges as ‘the most interesting man in recorded history’.  Filmed on location in London and Stockholm, with special access to Swedenborg’s summer house, garden and personal diaries, the documentary features interviews with renowned writers on Swedenborg, Gary Lachman, Lars Bergquist and many others, coupled with a newly commissioned soundtrack by Kurt Benbenek.

Film running time: 35 mins | Colour | Stereo | Aspect ratio 16:9 | Region Free

The DVD of this documentary with full colour booklet and introduction by writer Gary Lachman can be purchased from our online book store.

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