Who Can Use The Library?

The Swedenborg Society Library is a research library open to both members of the Swedenborg Society and non-members alike. Visitors are asked to make appointments in advance with at least one week’s notice given. We require that all visitors please specify their areas of interest and check the online catalogue beforehand to, where possible, specify catalogue numbers or titles of items that they wish to view. Visitors are reminded to bring with them a form of photographic ID (passport, drivers license, NUS card) and proof of address (utilities bill, bank statement).
search the online catalogue library research form
We are also happy to deal with enquiries by telephone or email for those who are unable to visit the library. Contact details are listed below. We aim to respond to queries as soon as practicable. Please note that the library is only staffed part-time so sometimes this can take a few days.
Photocopies can be made by a member of staff at a cost of 15p per page.
Swedenborg House is WiFi enabled and visitors are welcome to bring their own laptops.
Use of the library is free of charge; however donations to preserve and add to our stock are always appreciated.
Who uses the library? The library is used primarily by people with an interest in Swedenborg and his influence, be they: translators, researchers and editors of Swedenborg; academics and students; or curious and avid readers. Some will be looking at Swedenborg and aspects of his work as their specialist area, others will be researching broader discourses and will have encountered Swedenborg in the course of their reading. Over the years, Swedenborgians have tended to record and publish their goings on. As such, for people with ties to the New Church past or present, the library is also a useful resource for genealogists and historians.
Librarian: Alex Murray