Title: THE FOUR TEACHINGS (dual language box set)
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Translator: John Elliott
Editor: John Elliott
Often published together as The Four Teachings, this handsome boxed set comprises four individual volumes housed in an elegant board slipcase. The set contains dual-language editions of: Teaching of the. . .
Read More. . . PurchaseTitle: DE AMORE CONJUGIALI
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Editor: S H Worcester
Samuel Worcester’s 1889 Latin edition of Swedenborg’s 1768 publication, reprinted in hardback by the Swedenborg Society in 1982 with corrigenda and emendanda.. . .
Read More. . . PurchaseTitle: DE ANIMA
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Editor: J F I Tafel
Latin edition, edited by J F I Tafel, of Swedenborg’s work written in 1742 and known in English today as Rational Psychology.. . .
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Editor: John Elliott
Appendix volume to the 3rd Latin edition of Arcana Caelestia featuring transcriptions of additional material found in the manuscripts and 3 plates reproducing parts of the autograph. Notes and preface. . .
Read More. . . PurchaseTitle: APOCALYPSIS REVELATA
In the preface to this book, Swedenborg wrote: ‘Many people have striven to explain the Book of Revelation, but because the spiritual sense of the Word has until now been. . .
Read More. . . PurchaseTitle: ARCANA CAELESTIA
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Editor: P H Johnson | E C Mongredien | John Elliott | Norman Ryder | Erik Sandström
The important 3rd Latin edition of Arcana Caelestia published between 1949-1973 utilizing and including variants from the extant manuscripts. Vol. 1 (1949) Vol. 2 (1952) Vol. 3 (1953) ISBN 9780854480111. . .
Read More. . . PurchaseTitle: ARCANA COELESTIA INDEXES
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Editor: John Elliott
Introduction: John Elliott
Transcribed and edited from Swedenborg’s original MSS by John Elliott, this important edition sheds light on Swedenborg’s methods and use of key terms. Containing an introduction and full critical apparatus,. . .
Read More. . . PurchaseTitle: DE ATHANASII SYMBOLO
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Translator: D H Harley
Editor: D H Harley
Written c.1759, The Athanasian Creed is a dual language edition of Swedenborg’s De Athanasii Symbolo. The Latin text is printed on the verso page whilst the English translation is given. . .
Read More. . . PurchaseTitle: BIBLIA SACRA: Cum annotationibus Swedenborgii
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Translator: Sebastian Schmidt
A facsimile edition of one of the Latin Bibles used by Swedenborg, complete with his handwritten annotations. The Bible is the translation of Sebastian Schmidt (Strasbourg, 1696) and Swedenborg’s copy. . .
Read More. . . PurchaseTitle: CAMENA BOREA
Author: Emanuel Swedenborg
Produced by the Society during its centenary year in 1910, this is a phototyped facsimile of the original 1715 printing of Camena Borea, Swedenborg’s poetical book of Ovid-like fables that. . .
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