Miscellaneous Observations features essays by Swedenborg on sundry geological, scientific, mathematical and mechanical subject matters. Papers of note include ‘On the different kinds of Mountains in Sweden, with a disquisition on their origin’, ‘On the Petrified Plants found at Liège’, ‘On the Strata of Shells at Aix-la-Chapelle’, ‘On the Subsidence of the Seas towards the North’, ‘On Vitrification, and the change of Particles into Glass’, ‘A new construction of Air-pump’, ‘On the Salt Works on parts of the Swedish coast’, ‘A hypothesis of the figure and different magnitude of Elementary Particles’, and ‘On a new Sexagenary Calculus, invented by Charles XII’. This edition contains the three parts of Miscellaneous Observations that Swedenborg published in Leipzig in 1722 and the fourth part that he published in the same year in Schiffbeck, along with papers that Swedenborg submitted to the journal Acta Literaria Sveciae. The volume also includes an Introduction by the Translator, Biographical Notices of Authors cited, and an Index of Subjects.
Additional Information
Translations of Miscellanea observata circa res naturales (1722) and the letters and papers Swedenborg submitted to the journal Acta Literaria Sveciae (1721).
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