Volume 1
O Pánu a Víře, tr. Lenka Valesová
About the Lord and the Faith
Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino
Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide
Christians have been debating the nature of Jesus and his divinity for centuries resulting in many schisms and divisions. In Doctrine of the Lord, Swedenborg wades into this subject matter fraught with controversy, backing his ideas up with readings from Scripture.
In The Doctrine of Faith Swedenborg gives an explanation of what faith is, supported by examples from Swedenborg’s reading of the internal sense of the Word.
Volume 2
O Písmu Svatém, tr. Lenka Máchová
About Holy Scripture
Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scripture Sacra
An examination of the relationship between Sacred Scripture and Christianity, in Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture Swedenborg explains the spiritual sense behind the literal sense of the Word of God.
Volume 3
O Živote a Lásce, tr. Lenka Máchová
About Life and Love
Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolymae ex Praeceptis Decalogi
Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Charitate
In Doctrine of Life, Swedenborg focuses on the divine origin of good and, conversely, on the shunning of this, which is evil, and how they shape our lives.
In Charity, a small posthumously published work, Swedenborg teaches that charity consists of looking to the Lord, shunning our evils and doing good for others. The book deals with the practical bearing of this teaching on the problems of social order, government, daily occupations and so on.
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